Journeying in the Realms of Deep Imagination Tending Tuesdays

Volume C – Journeying in the Realms of Deep Imagination

Hello Friend, We hope you enjoy this excerpt from The Imagination Matrix, a new book by Stephen Aizenstat Ph.D. To deny the soul’s longing is to become separate from the call, which results in stagnation and psychological paralysis. Creativity withers, and imagination dims. Researchers have found that multiple motivations drive…
John Ziegler
October 3, 2023
Opening the Curious Mind Tending Tuesdays

Volume XCVIII- Opening the Curious Mind

Hello Friend, We hope you enjoy this excerpt from The Imagination Matrix, a new book by Stephen Aizenstat Ph.D. “Finding Breath, Staying in Presence, and Shifting Context are fundamental skills. Opening your Curious Mind is always your starting point on the journey to the Imagination Matrix. Activation of your Curious…
John Ziegler
September 19, 2023
Tending Tuesdays

Volume XCVI- Finding & Trusting Your Own Voice

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, Today’s Tending Tuesday is brought to you by Kelly Carlin Dream Tending Mentor, member of The Academy of Imaginal Arts and Sciences and Founder of Humans on the Verge. For the last 25 years, in both my personal life and professional work, I have…
John Ziegler
September 5, 2023
Alone Tending Tuesdays

Volume XCV- Alone

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, Today’s Tending Tuesday is brought to you by Dr. Myka Hanson, Dream Tending  Mentor, member of The Academy of Imaginal Arts and Sciences and Founder of Teen Forward. As a life coach for teenagers, I’m privileged to tend their nighttime dreams, and I am…
John Ziegler
August 29, 2023
Tending Tuesdays

Volume XCIV- Numinous in Resonance of Living Image

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, Today’s Tending Tuesday is brought to you by Craig Canedy, Dream Tending Mentor, and Board Certified Music Therapist. As I write this, I am in Switzerland, surrounded by the beautiful, awe-inspiring presence of the Alps. Over the past few days, soft, smooth tones of…
John Ziegler
August 22, 2023
Tending Tuesdays

Volume XCIII- Remembering Dreams

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, Today’s Tending Tuesday is brought to you by Susan Benaron, Dream Tending Mentor and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. How often is it said,  “I can’t remember my dreams” or “I don’t dream”? Occasionally I hear, “I am in a time where no dreams…
John Ziegler
August 8, 2023
Tending Tuesdays

Volume XCII- Suddenly

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, Today’s Tending Tuesday is brought to you by Julie Freed, Dream Tending Mentor, Death Doula, Grief and Bereavement Guide, Yoga/Breathing/Meditation Teacher, and Family Constellation Facilitator. Suddenly, there was a crash into the window in front of me.  Startled, I jumped up and ran onto…
John Ziegler
August 1, 2023
Tending Tuesdays

Volume XC- With Love, Dream

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, Today’s Tending Tuesday is brought to you by Monica Tweet, Dream Tending  Mentor and member of The Academy of Imaginal Arts and Sciences. I’m walking along an ancient lake.  As sunset approaches, he comes along beside me.  We walk together, talking. We reminisce about…
John Ziegler
July 18, 2023
Tending Tuesdays

Volume LXXXIX – Freedom to Move

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, On this July 4th, in the United States we celebrate a day of freedom. The day that 13 colonies declared their independence and formed a new nation. In the days leading up to our celebration we are surrounded with words like freedom and independence.…
John Ziegler
July 4, 2023
Dazzling sun in a golden sky Tending Tuesdays

Volume LXXXVIII – Summer Solstices

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, “Both the Winter and the Summer Solstices are expressions of love. They show us the opposition of light and dark, expansion and contraction, that characterize our experiences in the Earth school so that we can recognize our options as we move through our lives.”…
John Ziegler
June 27, 2023
Africa day banner with tribal African pattern ornament - red, yellow, green. Background for banner, postcard, flyer vector design Tending Tuesdays

Volume LXXXVII – We celebrate Juneteenth!

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, This week’s Tending Tuesday is brought to you by Dr. Fanny Brewster, author of The Racial Complex and offers a reflection in the celebration of Juneteenth. We celebrate Juneteenth! Declared an official United States federal holiday in 2021.  The cause of our celebration is…
John Ziegler
June 19, 2023
Tending Tuesdays

Volume LXXXIII – Keeping Healthy in Threatening Times

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, As we continue to journey through May, National Mental Health month, we will shift our attention to the ever-present cyber influence that is a deeply woven part of modern existence. Google Maps, Instagram, security, smart watches, payment systems, checking the weather, E-mail -…
John Ziegler
May 23, 2023
Tending Tuesdays

Volume LXXXII – Keeping Healthy in Threatening Times

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, Over these past years, our personal and collective mental health has been challenged in debilitating ways. The pandemic inflicted illness, isolation, and heightened anxiety. Shootings in our communities create fear, agitation, and horror. The threat of death has been omnipresent. Children are frightened…
John Ziegler
May 16, 2023
Tending Tuesdays

Volume LXXIX – What is Earth asking of us?

What is Earth asking of us? What is Earth’s dream? Earth Day is an annual event dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting sustainability efforts worldwide. We invite you, in acknowledgment of Earth Day this past weekend, to spend some time attuning to Earth. Touch her soil, smell…
John Ziegler
April 25, 2023
Tending Tuesdays

Volume LXXVI – How do I have less stress?

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, April is stress awareness month. We, in the Dream Tending Community, want to shine some light onto the hot topic of stress. I always grew up hearing that stress was bad for you. It inflames the system, it makes most illness worse, it…
John Ziegler
April 4, 2023
Tending Tuesdays

Volume LXXIV – Mentorship

A Mentor is a wise person who imparts advice. In the world above-the-world, a Mentor can be a teacher, a counselor, a parent, a friend, even an animal or a landscape. In the worlds below-the-world, Mentors come forward as imaginal figures or settings offering insights to the never-before-seen. In your…
John Ziegler
March 21, 2023
Tending Tuesdays

Volume LXXIII – $ and the Collective

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, When eyes close at night, and the imagination wonders where do we go? Falling. Being chased. Dying. Teeth. Being naked in public. Pregnancy. Money. Flying. Sex. Cheating. These are some of the most common dream themes. Joseph Campbell, perhaps the world’s best-known navigator…
John Ziegler
March 14, 2023
Tending Tuesdays

Volume LXXI – Greetings from Montana

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, We say hello here, from the B-Bar Ranch, as we conclude our last day of the Winter Montana Dream Tending Intensive. Hearts are full; imaginations alive; landscape potent in its winter wonderland. We are excited to announce the opening of several Dream Tending…
John Ziegler
February 28, 2023
fantasy misty forest in autumn Tending Tuesdays

Volume LXX – The Dream Landscape

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, When I first began learning about dreams and Dream Tending, all of my dream work was focused on the people and objects they interacted with, almost as if all of my dreams took place on the set of Our Town. For those unfamiliar…
John Ziegler
February 21, 2023
Tending Tuesdays

Volume LXIX – Embracing the Love of Imagination

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, That’s so silly! You have such an over-active imagination! Stop daydreaming and pay attention! You are too old for imaginary friends, that’s so childish. That was just a dream…forget it. At some point in our lives, many of us were taught, or shamed…
John Ziegler
February 14, 2023
Black history month African American history celebration vector illustration Tending Tuesdays

Volume LXVIII – Black Dreams Matter

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, I am grateful for the opportunity to recognize and celebrate Black History Month. Two of my favorite African American figures, amongst many others, are Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and W.E.B. Du Bois. While these are familiar and popular African American figures, I have specific admiration for them…
John Ziegler
February 7, 2023
Tending Tuesdays

Volume LXVI – Gripped by a Nightmare?

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, My alarm blared in my ears as I hit snooze on my cellphone. My psyche was deep inside a nightmare. I felt conflicted: a part of me wanted to wake up to leave this terrible dream reality, another part of me felt haunted…
John Ziegler
January 24, 2023
Tending Tuesdays

Volume LXV – Wishing You a Fulfilling New Year

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination community, On this second Tuesday of 2023, let me wish you a fulfilling New Year. And, too, I want to encourage you to set an intention for this year. Bring your continued attention to tending dreams. This year, our Dream Tending community will attend…
John Ziegler
January 17, 2023
Tending Tuesdays

Volume LXIII – Dreams as Messengers

Dear Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Community, Dreams are messengers. They are couriers delivering important “letters” from the dreaming psyche. The communications offer insight, speak of warnings, and tell of your fate. As storytellers, their language is metaphoric, symbolic, often poetic. In your tending to dreams, remember to respond to…
John Ziegler
December 6, 2022
Autumn leaves falling on the ground in a park Tending Tuesdays

Volume LXI – The Practice of Wabi-Sabi

Dear Dream Tending Community, The leaves are changing; fall and Thanksgiving are upon us. Thanksgiving holiday is a day of giving thanks for the blessings of the year. As this holiday occurs on different dates in different countries, the season of gratitude is upon us worldwide. Gratitude is the quality…
John Ziegler
November 16, 2022
Tending Tuesdays

Volume LX – A Day of Celebration

Dear Dream Tending Community, Today marks a milestone in the Dream Tending Community. As I write this, the Mentors of the Academy of Dream Tending are graduating from their final course. I want to name and honor this grand accomplishment – of hearing the call, learning the craft of working…
John Ziegler
November 15, 2022
Tending Tuesdays

Volume LIX – The Disruption

Dear Dream Tending Community, Late fall raindrops patter on my roof. They sing to my nervous system a melody of cleansing and renewal. November’s crip voice is calling; beckoning me into Winter’s blanket. The crisp air hits my skin; a disruption. Awakening into Winter’s cry. I listen. I focus. I get…
John Ziegler
November 8, 2022
Tending Tuesdays

Volume LVIII – Celebrating Ancestors

Dear Dream Tending Community, I just awoke from a dream that my mother, who died 4 years ago, was moving into my current home to live with us. This dream is a wonderful example that The Day of the Dead is upon us. All around the world, people are remembering…
John Ziegler
November 2, 2022
concept greeting card of opened chest treasure with mystical Tending Tuesdays

Volume LVII – Finding Gold In Communitas

Dear Dream Tending Community, From Atlanta to Santa Fe, to South Australia, to Portland, to Ecuador, to Maui, to Canada, to Los Angeles, to Italy, to Vermont, to South Africa, to San Antonio, to the UK, to Kansas, to China - dreamers and seekers have gathered to start a new…
John Ziegler
October 25, 2022
Abstract view of the people walking on the street. Tending Tuesdays

Volume LVI – Synchronicity

Dear Dream Tending Community, It’s been quite a magical week for Dream Tending. On Monday, October 10th, we welcomed an incredible group of dreamers into the Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Certificate I program and journeyed together for our first three day intensive module. I marveled at the synchronicities that…
John Ziegler
October 18, 2022
Tending Tuesdays

Volume LV – Grace, Grit, and Gratitude

Dear Dream Tending Community, ​Dream Tending is in full swing this Fall! Last Saturday Pacifica Graduate Institute celebrated welcoming Dr. Mattison, the new CEO and President into the community. As a part of the weekend festivities, the Pacifica Graduate Institute Alumni Association threw a lively evening tribute and roast to…
John Ziegler
October 11, 2022
Canadian Nature Landscape View Tending Tuesdays

Volume LIII – Nature and Feeding the Soul

Dear Dream Tending Community, Speaking to you from the Big Sky and high mountains of Montana opens my heart. Breathing the fresh air and listening to the sounds of the flowing rivers feeds my soul. Being here with several people who have enrolled in the upcoming Certificate I program brings…
John Ziegler
September 27, 2022
Tending Tuesdays

Volume LII – Love Wins

Dear Dream Tending Community, I am touched to share that today marks the one-year anniversary of Tending Tuesday. Tending Tuesday was inspired by a pull to sustain the value of what happens when we come together as a community. During challenging post Covid times the Dream Team wanted to do…
John Ziegler
September 20, 2022
Tending Tuesdays

Volume XLIX – The World’s Soul

Dear Dream Tending Community, This week's Tending Tuesday continues the exploration of the foundations of the Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Certificate I program, which is currently accepting limited applications. Today's topic, The World's Soul, follows The Living Image, and The Intolerable Image. On Sunday afternoon, I spent a precious few minutes…
John Ziegler
August 30, 2022
Tending Tuesdays

Volume XLVIII – The Intolerable Image

Dear Dream Tending Community, Last week and over the next three weeks, Tending Tuesday will be devoted to aspects of Dream Tending that mark its foundation. Last week, Tending Tuesday explored The Living Image. This week, we are delving into The Intolerable Image, known commonly as nightmare. One of the…
John Ziegler
August 23, 2022
Tending Tuesdays

Volume XLVII – The Living Image

“The living image functions as an intermediary between the dreamer and the dreaming psyche. In its life as an implicit energy, the living image connects the dreamer to the energetic underpinning of the psyche. Connection to this generative resource gives the dreamer access to the rhythm of life itself.” ~Dr.…
John Ziegler
August 17, 2022

Tending Tuesday Video Archive

View the Complete Tending Tuesday Video Archive