Open House May 2024 - Switz

Thursday, May 9th @ 12 PM Pacific Time

Dr. Stephen Aizenstat will be hosting an Open House on Thursday, May 9th at 12 PM Pacific Time. If you are curious about this trip of a lifetime, join us! We will trace the footsteps of the legendary Carl Jung. The pinnacle of our expedition awaits at Eranos, where we will indulge in days filled with captivating dreams. Every step echoes the spirit of Jung, and every moment is a dream come true! There will be time for answering your specific questions and engaging in conversation.

Dream Tending 2024 Clinical Intensive Program

May 13-15, 2024 & June 8-10, 2024

Dream Tending is a comprehensive dreamwork methodology that offers ways of accessing the healing powers of dreams. This approach views the dreaming psyche as multidimensional. Dreams are perceived as portals, opening the doors to the personal, collective, and universal realms of consciousness. Dream Tending is different from dream interpretation. To tend a dream is to experience the figures in dreams as embodied, with imaginal substance and pulse. As dreams are animated, it becomes possible to experience their intelligence and listen to their stories. These teachings inform our life purpose and respond to what the world is asking of us now.

Imagination Workshop

July 1st - 3rd, 2024

In this three-day workshop, Dr. Aizenstat will introduce particular tools developed over 40 years of professional experience. These skills enable you to access your deepest capacities of creativity and wellbeing. Based on his new book, The Imagination Matrix, you begin with a basic shift in consciousness. This change in perception initiates the healing journey within. Next, through opening the Curious Mind you engage in an inner journey that accesses the restorative resources of self-care and healing. You will encounter elemental inner figures, Soul Companions, who offer support and guidance. Accompanied by these soul figures, you increase your Imaginal Intelligence and your Innate Genius. You come home to your authentic life calling.

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Discover how you can optimize the power of your imagination to unleash your innate genius and build a better world.


If ever there was a time and a place to reconnect with imagination, that place is here, that time is now. For anyone looking for a new way forward for yourself, your community, and our struggling planet, Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., offers a powerful message of hope. The trailblazers are people like you—the seekers, creatives, dreamers, doers—who are willing and ready to tap into a collective purpose so vital, so vibrant, so resonant in the world of today.


Now Available!

“You have within you a limitless source of creativity waiting to be unleashed. Its promise is nothing less than the next evolution of human consciousness.” — Stephen Aizenstat, PhD.

In The Imagination Matrix, Aizenstat expands upon his world-renowned Dream Tending method to present a step-by-step process for unlocking your potential. He reveals how anyone can gain access to the “source code of imagination” which energizes your capacity to innovate new outcomes, evolve real-world solutions, and nurture your well-being. The book explores:

  • Opening the Curious Mind—a new method to engage imagination and wonder
  • Answering the call of your Innate Genius
  • Growing your capacities of Imaginal Intelligence
  • Maintaining your humanity in an increasingly technological world
  • Claiming your creativity and purpose to meet the pull of the future

The Imagination Matrix offers a practical and uniquely personal path for becoming more purposeful, resourceful, and resilient–even when we feel overwhelmed as individuals—while developing a profound connection to the creative force that animates and flows through us all to become the agents of change that our world needs today.

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Unleash Your Innate Genius Through Dreams & Imagination

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Meet Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D.

Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., has devoted his life to understanding the profound wisdom and elemental power that exists within each of us. Through our dreams and imagination, we can access limitless creativity and innovation, improved relationships, and ultimately our human potential.

Professor Aizenstat’s Dream

Tending dreams and tending deep imagination will allow thousands of people to unlock their creative potential, increase emotional and intellectual bandwidth, and realize personal and professional goals.

What Is Dream Tending?

Activate dreams and imagination to unleash your innate genius, express creativity, and contribute to the world around you through a new and dynamic perspective.

Tending Tuesdays


I’m excited to share with you that I am starting a weekly offering called Tending Tuesdays. Tending Tuesdays was inspired by a pull to sustain the value of what happens when we come together as a community. Each Tuesday, an email will come to you with a link to a new video on a Dream Tending or depth psychological topic in the form of current writing and research, interviews, discussions with colleagues, and clips of tending dreams.


Sign up for the Tending Tuesdays weekly email below:

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Dream Tending asks us to experiment with a worldview that playfully and soulfully sees the world as alive and always dreaming. . . within an attitude of wonderment, curiosity, and presence.

Lectures, Workshops & Events

Do you want to ignite your creativity and have a greater understanding of the human experience? Do you want to help your clients find their life purpose, tend their nightmares, and befriend frightening reoccurring dream images? Do you long to be part of an extended community of like-minded psychotherapists and people in the healing professions who are called to the value of imagination and dreams?

Be a part of the experience.

Join other creatives, innovators, and seekers at one of our Dream Tending experiences and discover what all the buzz is about!

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