Dear Dream Tending Community,
I have just participated in The 10th International Conference of Analytical Psychology and Chinese Culture. We studied Jungian Psychology in relation to Chinese I Ching bringing east and west together. So much to learn… so many beautiful things presented and offered. I especially appreciate how the I Ching and wisdom of the Chinese traditions inform who we are and what we do. I had not fully considered all the ways these traditions intersect with western psychology.
I offered a couple of workshops on Dream Tending and served as the keynote speaker. It was very interesting talking with so many folks about dream. People in China have watched me work with dreams over the years and there continues to be lots of interest. There were 1,000 attendees in person and 20,000 participants online. It was a spectacular conference and I look forward to sharing more in the weeks to come.
In the meantime, I thought I would share some pictures from my time at the conference.

Learn the Power, Purpose and Intelligence of Dreams
Unleash your creativity and innate genius

Stephen Aizenstat
Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., is founder of Pacifica Graduate Institute, Dream Tending, and the Academy of Imagination. For more than 35 years, he has explored the power of dreams through depth psychology. He has collaborated with Joseph Campbell, Marion Woodman, Robert Johnson, James Hillman, and Native elders worldwide. He is the author of Dream Tending and conducts dreamwork and imagination seminars throughout the US, Europe, and Asia.