Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Certificate III Program with Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D.


The Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Certificate III Program brings focus to how somatic journeying can open the doors of perception that allow increased access to realms of dream, deep imagination, and the healing arts. The confluence of somatic awareness and imaginal intelligence offers opportunities to integrate mind, body, and soul. Dr. Aizenstat has found over the many years of Dream Tending that there exists an alchemical blue fire of psyche and soma that ignites the emergence of our authentic being.

Leading-edge visionaries in the field enrich this program as guest speakers, adding their unique vision to the learning experience. Join us in taking your Dream Tending to the next level of possibility.

Please note: tuition costs do not include in-person residential fees, including meals and lodging.

Continuing Education Credit Fee

$40 Continuing Education Credit Fee

$40 Continuing Education Credit Fee

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Certificate III Benefits

  1. Certificate III is an advanced training program designed to broaden the mastery of skills and the depth of personal experience
  2. Graduates of Certificate III may find teaching opportunities in the Dream Tending community, and in Certificates I and II
  3. Graduates are also eligible to apply to train as mentors of the Academy of Imaginal Arts and Sciences

Additional information

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General Rate, Pacifica Alum Rate, Senior Rate, Current Pacifica Student Rate