Meet Our Founder: Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D.
World-Renown Professor of Depth Psychology, Imagination Specialist, Entrepreneur, and Founder of Dream Tending
The Groundbreaking Program that Taps into Our Dream State through Powerful Applications of Creativity and Innovation

The Origins
Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., has devoted his life to understanding the profound wisdom and healing power that exists within each of us. Through our dreams and imagination, we are able to access limitless creativity and innovation, improved relationships, and ultimately our human potential.
I believe that the DNA of our individual and planetary evolution is coded in the images of dreams. Combine this conviction with the idea that dream images not only live within us, they also exist all around us, in every animal, plant, and object of this world. Our dream images give meaning to our life’s story—the journey of who we are and who we are becoming.

Within such a setting, Professor Aizenstat pioneered his revolutionary, patented Dream Tending approach, a proven system based on four decades of rigorous scholarship and practical applications road-tested with students, clients, and global workshops.
Professor Aizenstat’s Dream Tending methodologies have helped thousands of people to unlock their creative potential, increase intellectual and emotional bandwidth, and realize personal and professional goals.

Dream Tending asks us to experiment with a worldview that playfully and soulfully sees the world as alive and always dreaming . . . within an attitude of wonderment, curiosity, and presence.
Such an inquiry was a driving force in his creation of Pacifica Graduate Institute, a center for the study of the human experience through depth psychology, mythology, and the humanities set in the beautiful surroundings of the natural world, located where the mountains meet the sea in Santa Barbara, California.
Professor Aizenstat has served as an organizational consultant to leading tech companies, and as a depth psychological content advisor to Hollywood film makers; he has also lectured extensively on the experiences of dreams and the deep imagination. He is affiliated with the Earth Charter International project through the United Nations, where he has spoken. Professor Aizenstat has collaborated with many notable masters in the field including Joseph Campbell, James Hillman, Marion Woodman, and Robert Johnson. He has conducted sold-out Dream Tending seminars, workshops, and “pop-up” events in the U.S., Asia, and Europe.