Dream Tending is a visionary new paradigm for thinking and living. Now you can access the potential of your dreams to engage your innate genius, express your creativity, and contribute to the world around you through a new and dynamic perspective.

The Dream Paradigm
Imagine a practice that cultivates your creativity and innovation. Imagine that you could have more meaningful connections. Imagine that you can be part of the emerging solution and build a better future for yourself and others. Your life would be richer and fuller as a consequence of such cultivation.
Dream Tending is the pioneering work of Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., based on more than four decades of teaching, study, and practical application.
I believe that the DNA of our individual and planetary evolution is coded in the images of dreams. Combine this conviction with the idea that dream images not only live within us, they also exist all around us, in every animal, plant, and object of this world. It is our dream images that give meaning to our life’s story—the journey of who we are and who we are becoming.

The Dream Paradigm offers a new vision and system for how individuals as well as the global community can access the deep imagination through their dream state, not just to survive, but to thrive and excel in our modern age and collective future.
When you “tend”a dream, you activate the deep imagination. Your mind opens and you become more attuned to our common human and planetary journey as you discern or recognize your place in it. You are able to overcome obsessions, compulsions, and addictions, bring new warmth and energy to your relationships, take your career to a new level, and participate in a life more vibrant, alive, and aligned with your soul’s purpose.
Our dreams carry an inner knowing, an innate sensibility, and an element of potency that affords each of us the capacity to open to the depths of our own experiences.
This practical and accessible system guides you through the process of going deeply within your dream state to engage with the wisdom of the dream images as they emerge and offer their insights and perspectives that you can apply to your daily life.

Our dreams can reveal our highest aspiration, our most secret wish, as well as our hunger for something more. Dreams are the original “altered reality” that are not just phantoms in the night but have meaning originating in both the psyche of nature and the psyches of persons.