Dear Dream Tending Community,
Late fall raindrops patter on my roof. They sing to my nervous system a melody of cleansing and renewal. November’s crip voice is calling; beckoning me into Winter’s blanket.
The crisp air hits my skin; a disruption. Awakening into Winter’s cry. I listen. I focus. I get quiet.
What if? When? How do I open to Winter wisdom? A deep need to go internal urges inside. Do you resonate?
I yearn for meaningful, deep connection. Soul-filled encounters where I can speak into Winter’s blanket allowing vivid dream images to emerge. The soup of archetypal resonance, ecological activism, eros, psyche, passion, all emerges. And like a harmonious orchestra; I’m called. Lured into the thirst for such community.
To the dreamers and seekers waiting for this type of connection; I offer you a second chance to join a beautiful like-minded community to answer Winter’s call. A safe place for psyche to sing; imagination to wonder.
If you are interested in joining such a community reach out to our Certificate I Dream Team. Feel the disruption; cultivate a new path forward. This path starts now with an email to
Try it. Trust. Believe.
We hope to see you soon.
The Dream Team

Learn the Power, Purpose and Intelligence of Dreams

Unleash your creativity and innate genius

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Stephen Aizenstat

Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., is the founder of Dream Tending, Pacifica Graduate Institute, and the Academy of Imaginal Arts and Sciences. He is a world-renowned professor of depth psychology, an imagination specialist, and an innovator. He has served as an organizational consultant to major companies and institutions, and as a depth psychological content advisor to Hollywood film makers. He has lectured extensively in the U.S., Asia, and Europe. He is affiliated with the Earth Charter International project through the United Nations, where he has spoken. Professor Aizenstat is the Chancellor Emeritus and Founding President of Pacifica Graduate Institute. He has collaborated with many notable masters in the field including Joseph Campbell, James Hillman, Marion Woodman, and Robert Johnson.