Speaking to you from the Big Sky and high mountains of Montana opens my heart. Breathing the fresh air and listening to the sounds of the flowing rivers feeds my soul. Being here with several people who have enrolled in the upcoming Certificate I program brings enthusiasm for what is coming. In that dream-centered teaching/learning community we will explore the magic and mystery of deep imagination. We will discover how the rhythms moving through the psyche of nature shape and inform our authentic callings. Dreams inform our life purpose and offer resources to meet life’s challenges. In the world of today, experiences of isolation, anxiety, and depression are all too commonplace. The Dream Tending practice offers practical tools to transform painful patterns into generative guidance for a creativity-centered life.
Until next Tuesday . . .
Inside The Curious Mind
This is a quote that resonated with me this week…
“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.”
Learn the Power, Purpose and Intelligence of Dreams
Unleash your creativity and innate genius

Stephen Aizenstat
Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., is the founder of Dream Tending, Pacifica Graduate Institute, and the Academy of Imaginal Arts and Sciences. He is a world-renowned professor of depth psychology, an imagination specialist, and an innovator. He has served as an organizational consultant to major companies and institutions, and as a depth psychological content advisor to Hollywood film makers. He has lectured extensively in the U.S., Asia, and Europe. He is affiliated with the Earth Charter International project through the United Nations, where he has spoken. Professor Aizenstat is the Chancellor Emeritus and Founding President of Pacifica Graduate Institute. He has collaborated with many notable masters in the field including Joseph Campbell, James Hillman, Marion Woodman, and Robert Johnson.