Dear Dream Tending Community,
In just a few days I will be traveling to Montana to offer our Annual Winter Dream Tending Retreat. In the beauty of that natural landscape, we explore the many ways the resources of dreams support and offer guidance to the circumstances of our lives. Each year I look forward to this offering. The support and safety of this smaller container allows us to journey deeply into the opportunities and challenges that ask for attention. I come away from these offerings rejuvenated, often inspired.
Our retreat is limited to sixteen participants of our community. We make time for each person to fully explore what brought them to the gathering. Some describe a loss of purpose, others a health challenge, often a participant tells of actualizing the pull of a new desire. For all, there is the longing to re-engage with the well-spring of imagination.
By the end of our time together most all in attendance tell of becoming re-connected to what it is to live a soul-centered life. Most apparent is the renewal of passion and creativity. Each of us experiences a sense of “returning home,” an experience of deep belonging. In a supportive community, when curiosity and wonder animate’ and the imagination ignites, the beauty of being alive is remembered.
These gatherings are very special for me personally, both to orchestrate and to participate in with others. We are now bringing this magic of sacred community home for you to join us in Santa Barbara where we will be hosting a limited number of community members at the Pacifica Graduate Institute for our 2024 Santa Barbara Dream Tending Retreat.
The landscape of Pacifica Graduate Institute brings its own mystic quality that will lend to the process as we journey deep into the realms of dream and imagination. There are a limited number of spaces available, I want to extend to you a heartfelt invitation to join me.
Learn the Power, Purpose and Intelligence of Dreams
Unleash your creativity and innate genius

Stephen Aizenstat
Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., is founder of Pacifica Graduate Institute, Dream Tending, and the Academy of Imagination. For more than 35 years, he has explored the power of dreams through depth psychology. He has collaborated with Joseph Campbell, Marion Woodman, Robert Johnson, James Hillman, and Native elders worldwide. He is the author of Dream Tending and conducts dreamwork and imagination seminars throughout the US, Europe, and Asia.