Dear Dream Tending Community,

At this dawning of a New Year, I will offer a guided experience that awakens the matrix of imagination and dream. Join me this Friday, January 3rd at 3 PM Pacific and discover ways to nourish those generative sparks.

Each of us carries a unique inheritance — a birthright full of untapped potential. Through the support of our community and the guidance of our Soul Companions, we will journey inward to explore the true nature of our authentic calling.

Here, you will experience the “somatic resonance” that both nurtures and restores. . . a quality of consciousness that joyfully illuminates the path ahead. You may even find new desires yearning to be both known and realized.

I look forward to seeing you Friday. Bring your curiosity and a sense of wonder.



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Stephen Aizenstat

Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., is founder of Pacifica Graduate Institute, Dream Tending, and the Academy of Imagination. For more than 35 years, he has explored the power of dreams through depth psychology. He has collaborated with Joseph Campbell, Marion Woodman, Robert Johnson, James Hillman, and Native elders worldwide. He is the author of Dream Tending and conducts dreamwork and imagination seminars throughout the US, Europe, and Asia.