Dear Dream Tender,
Emerging dreams are gaining visibility—have you caught glimpses of them? The hints are everywhere—at times visionary, at times challenging. Prophetic dream offerings inform the circumstances of personal life as well as, the conditions in our world. Generative dream insights can calm our anxieties, befriend us when we are suffering from isolation, and inspire our unique responses to earth’s needs.
Throughout human history, dreams have provided invaluable resources to promote well-being and offer life guidance. Listening to the dream’s intelligence taps innate wisdom regarding our emotional, psychological, physical, and planetary health. In today’s world, there is perhaps no greater calling than to heed the dawning dreams’; urgent desire to be witnessed and engaged. These are important messages!
I will be presenting an online master class to share specialized tools for discovering the generative insights sourced in dreams and deep imagination. Through story and example, I will demonstrate ways of listening more deeply to daytime (waking) and nighttime (sleeping) emerging dreams. I am passionately dedicated, even passionate, to be in service of this calling.
Join me in this experiential, as together we discover the gifts of emergent intelligence uniquely available to you, born of dreams and deep imagination.
In Dream,
Introduction to Dream Tending and Deep Imagination
A Two-Day Workshop Dream Tending with Dr. Stephen Aizenstat
Friday, September 27th & 28th, 2024
We invite you to join the upcoming Introduction to Dream Tending and Imagination Workshop on Friday and Saturday, September 27 & 28, 2024. This online workshop will provide you with resources and methods you will need to tend to your personal dreams as well as those of others. During this workshop, Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., will demonstrate his approach of Dream Tending by working with dreams of participants’ live. He will then describe what tools he used and how these methods were utilized.
The Emerging Possible: The Next Evolution
with Dr. Stephen Aizenstat
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 5:00 – 7:00 PM Pacific Time
Across the fabric of your life and the world around us, prophetic dream offerings are quietly whispering, waiting to be noticed. These dreams hold the keys to calm our anxieties, ease our isolation, and provide unique insights into responding to the challenges of our times.
The signs are all around us—sometimes visionary, sometimes challenging. Prophetic dreams not only inform the personal circumstances of our lives but also speak to the conditions of our world. These generative insights from dreams have the potential to soothe anxieties, guide us through isolation, and inspire us to respond uniquely to the Earth’s needs.
Exclusive Dream Tending Student Retreat
A three-day intensive retreat with Dr. Stephen Aizenstat
October 21 – October 23, 2024
The Exclusive Dream Tending Student Retreat is a limited enrollment intensive that takes place over three days at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpinteria, California. The Retreat is a special exclusive Dream Tending immersion workshop open only to past Dream Tending Certificate Students. This will be a deeply personal time together where we will be working in depth with dream and imagination.
Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Certificate I Program with Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D.
The Certificate Program will occur Live Online
November 4, 2024 – May 14, 2025
The Dream Tending and Deep Imagination Certificate I program is a transformative experience that invites you to dive into the depths of your inner world and forge a meaningful connection with your dreams. This program is designed to awaken your innate ability to tap into the wisdom and guidance that resides in your dreams, using these insights to enhance your self-awareness, enrich your relationships, and illuminate your life path.
Learn the Power, Purpose and Intelligence of Dreams
Unleash your creativity and innate genius

Stephen Aizenstat
Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., is founder of Pacifica Graduate Institute, Dream Tending, and the Academy of Imagination. For more than 35 years, he has explored the power of dreams through depth psychology. He has collaborated with Joseph Campbell, Marion Woodman, Robert Johnson, James Hillman, and Native elders worldwide. He is the author of Dream Tending and conducts dreamwork and imagination seminars throughout the US, Europe, and Asia.